Welcome to Our Farm Family

We're glad you're here.

Our dreamy little farm is nestled in Blythe, GA & was officially established in 2017. At Hooves & Hops Farm we focus on quality, affectionate Holland Lop bunnies. We are licensed & inspected by the Department of Agriculture so you can rest assured your next family member is raised ethically. Our job does not end when you take your new baby home. We pride ourselves on endless breeder support once you become part of our farm family.

Photo credit: Kelsey D Photography

All the love & care...

Our bunnies are raised in our air conditioned & spray foam insulated barn. There is a temperature monitor that sends a notification if their home is outside the set parameters. They have indoor play areas so they can binky and run to their heart's content no matter the weather.

Each bunny is handled daily during health checks which helps them prepare for snuggles & care in their new homes. Our three children love to love on our bunnies. They are accustomed to all the loud sounds & chaos of home life.

We only breed bunnies with excellent temperaments because personality is ABSOLUTELY genetic. You can rest assured that not only is a bunny from us beautiful, but also friendly. Our bunnies come greet us for pets every day. They are not skittish or aggressive. We also help you learn how to bond with your new family member.